His name is Solomon. His family would never have imagined this to happen………..
In 1986 Solomon attended Yeshiva University and was given Smicha by the most highly acclaimed Rabbis of our generation. He also received a degree as a CPA as well and for 12 consecutive years served as a Professor in one of the most prestigious schools in New York .
Then it happened……Nobody knows why??? There was no family history and no singular trauma that led him to become this way. Solomon G. contracted schizophrenia over night! His family members were in a state of utter shock! How could this happen to such a genius!
For the last 20 years he has been in and out of hospitals the doctors were not able to stabilize him. Finally he went to Israel and pitched a tent by the sea shore of Telaviv and that is where he lived until…….
Someone gave shalvat Haim a call to see if they can help him and Rabbi Edery took him in his car to the assisted living home in Har Nof after several months he was not able to adjust so he was sent to the main facility in Ramot 06 where there are presently 19 residents living there.
With the proper guidance and Therapy Solomon started to thrive he was very happy and received the desperate help he so badly needed.
Rabbi Edery conferred with the hospitals and finally stabilized him on medication to the extent that now at 53 years old finally Solomon maintains a healthy schedule of education and sports and has begun to work again as a CPA after 25 long years he has finally come home.