There are so many teenagers around the world suffering from Drug abuse and other emotional disorders. At Shalvat Chayim we are doing our best to help these teenagers and their families by offering a new opportunity in life, a chance to recreate their destiny in a caring and constructive environment. It is unfortunate but we have received so many requests in the past few months from families begging us to place their children in a home, a stable environment and help them to become functional members of society. Over usage of drugs is robbing these teenagers of their precious future as they continue to destroy their emotional health on a daily basis.
Below is an actual letter sent to us from a Mother in New Jersey* (names have been changed for reasons of discretion):
“Benny is now age 20, as a child was diagnosed with ADHD, impulsivity, anxiety, Central Auditory Processing Disorder-a processing and learning disability, poor social skills and Oppositional Defiant. Today its all the above plus no self control, poor judgment, severe anger management, fixation, OCD & very manipulative.
He had a regular 8 years in Elementary School – always in modified classes. When he entered High school, the extreme behaviors began. He had two good years in a trade school for Religious boys.
But when he started smoking POT he had no school to go to.
We tried the RAP, but they were not equipped for the mental health challenges that Benny faced.
Benny is not med compliant.We put him into many rehabs but he never took them serioulys and left either within a week or two or a month. he never completed one program. I feel that we are going in circles with Benny and his life is in danger if we don’t get an accurate diagnose and a proper program. He really wants to get back to life, but lacks the life & social skills to sustain and he keeps cycling”
We at Shalvat Chayim want to help Benny and others like him but we lack for space.
Please help us help them and donate generously and help provide a home for those who have never been at home with themselves!
Mrs. Leah Seltzer
Development Manager